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Barış Manço - Cacık

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Sözüm meclisten dışarı dostlar
Bugünlerde kendimi hıyar gibi hissediyorum
Hani dilim dilim doğrasalar beni
Marmara Ege Karadeniz ve hatta Akdeniz cacık olur diyorum
Derdim öylesine büyük ki dostlar
Kırka yarıp yine kırka bölseler
Ve kırk bostana gübre diye serpseler
Kırkbin tane ot biter de kırkbin derde deva olur diyorum
Ne oldu bana böyle durup dururken
Oğlan aldı başını gitti kız zaten lafımı dinlemezdi
Düğmem kopuk paçam sökük oramda buramda çengelli iğneler
Bir de çengelli iğne nazar bozar derler
Hanımın çorabı kaçık başında bigudiler
Karabaş bile, karabaş bile suratıma bakıp bakıp havlıyor
Öğünmek gibi olmasın ama dostlar
Kendimi hıyar gibi hissediyorum
Hani ince kıyım doğrasalar beni Akdeniz cacık olur diyorum
Ve hatta Atlas okyanusu ve hatta Hint okyanusu
Ve hatta hatta Büyük okyanus bile cacık olur diyorum
Böyle cacığa rakı mı dayanır
Çivi çiviyi söker derler soğuktan donanı buzla ovarlar
Ben zaten yanmışım dostlar peki beni fırına mı koysalar
Zeytin suyuna kuru ekmek böyle gelmiş böyle gidecek

English Lyric :

Present company excluded, my friends;
I feel like a cucumber (feel terrible) these days…
I mean, if they finely diced me
I say “The Sea of Marmara, the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea,
And even the Mediterranean Sea would turn into a ‘Cacik’(*)”.
(*)Cacik is a cold dish done with yogurt and cucumbers

I have such a big trouble that, my friends;
I mean, if they split me into 40 pieces and divided me into 40 pieces again
And sprinkled me over 40 vegetable gardens as a fertilizer
I say “40 thousands kinds of herbs would grow and cure 40 thousands troubles”.
I don’t know what happened to me all of a sudden.
My son walked away.
My daughter has never listened to me anyways.
My button is missing.
Hem of my trousers has become unstitched.
I have safety pins here and there…
And they say “Safety pin destroys the evil eye”.
My wife’s hosiery has run and she has rollers on her head.
Even Karabaş (a sheep-dog), even Karabaş
Keeps looking at my face and barks at me.
In all modesty, my friends;
I feel like a cucumber.
I mean, if they finely diced me
I say “the Mediterranean Sea would turn into a ‘cacik.’”
I say “And even the Atlantic Ocean
And even the Indian Ocean
And even more, the Pacific Ocean would turn into a ‘cacik.’”
How could Rakis (*) be enough for such a cacik?
(*) Traditional Turkish strong spirit flavored with anis

They say “One nail drives out another.”
“They scrub a frozen person with ice”
I've already burned, my friends…
Should they put me into an oven?
Olive juice with dry bread…
It has been always like this and will continue to be like that.
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