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Why is 'why' so important?: William Fitzpatrick at TEDxSanJuanCapistrano

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William "Billy" Fitzpatrick
violinist -- educator

"Process. Life is a process. Process is from birth to death. It's about how you conduct that process, not about 'will I be successful' or 'will I be famous' or 'will I be rich?' Those are irrelevant to the process. If you are clear in doing the process well, if those things happen, that's just the way it is."

William has had a truly remarkable career, having graduated from the Juilliard School of Music, been first violinist of the New York String Quartet, and served as the director of Chamber Music at the American Conservatory in Fontainebleau, France.

His musical experiences throughout Europe, Japan and the United States have led him to positions as conductor of the Nashville Chamber and Symphony Orchestras to conductor (and founder) of L'ensemble des Deux Mondes in France, and collaborations with l'Orchestre Symphonique Francaise and The American Symphony Orchestra of New York.

With such wide experience as a performer and conductor, William developed a passion for teaching and encouraging others. Anyone watching him interact with young musicians can see the care he has not only for the craft, but the individual. Balancing intense instruction with humor and humility, he challenges his students to better themselves instrumentally and personally.

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